

Our Ingredients

Chemicals aren’t bad But Natural is Better 

Lab grown synthetics mimic what plants do naturally. We give you the real thing. No outsourcing. No white labelling 


Premium Organic ingredients in Science backed formulations made in small batches to give your skin the best. 

Experience the vitality, purity and unparallel efficacy of freshly made Organic Skincare. 

Mainstream skincare compromises oh skin health. With sub-standard ingredients, shallow formulations and luxurious marketing.

With TSK you will experience balanced healthy skin you can feel confident in. 

We understand the disappointment that come from impossible beauty standards sold with watered down ingredients. We believe that beautiful skin must start with healthy skin. Which is why we are dedicated to providing natures unaltered ingredients to give your skin what it needs to restore balance, health and radiance.

Now let's talk about our ingredients: 




